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Wednesday 31 October 2018

Cara Cek Source Update Kaspersky

1. Masuk dulu Command Prompt
2. Ikuti Perintah di bawah ini (sesuikan dengan komputer dan jaringan di tempat anda)

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Sadianto>cd\
C:\>cd pro*
C:\Program Files>cd kas*
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab>cd net*
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\NetworkAgent 8>klnagchk.exe

Starting utility 'klnagchk'...
Checking command line options...OK
Initializing basic libraries...OK
Current computer is 'WORKGROUP\SADIANTO-F8F121'
Network Agent version is '8.0.2134'

Reading the settings...OK
Settings verification...OK
Network Agent settings:
        Administration Server address: ''
        Use SSL connection: 1
        Compress traffic: 1
        Numbers of the Administration Server SSL ports: '13000'
        Numbers of the Administration Server ports: '14000'
        Use proxy server: 0
        Administration Server certificate: available
        Open UDP port: 1
        Numbers of UDP ports: '15000'
        Synchronization interval (min): 15
        Connection timeout (sec): 30
        Send/receive timeout (sec): 180
        Host ID: e4b99919-128a-4850-9251-f1b9a6612396

Attempt to connect to the Administration Server...OK
Attempt to connect to the Network Agent...OK
Network Agent is running
Receiving the Network Agent's statistical data...OK
        Network Agent's statistical data:
        Total number of synchronization requests: 9
        The number of successful synchronization requests: 9
        Total number of synchronizations: 0
        The number of successful synchronizations: 0
        Date/time of the last request for synchronization:10/31/2018 08:10:39 AM G
MT (/31/2018 15:10:39 AM)

Deinitializing basic libraries...OK
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\NetworkAgent 8>klmover.exe -address

Starting utility 'klmover'...
Checking command line options...OK
Initializing basic libraries...OK
Stopping service 'KLNagent'...OK
Settings verification...OK
Reading the settings...OK
Preparing settings...OK
Writing settings...OK
Starting service 'KLNagent'...OK

Operation completed successfully.

C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\NetworkAgent 8>

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