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Tuesday, 4 August 2015

7 Facts You Need to Know About Garut

7 Facts You Need to Know About Garut
South Garut located in West Java is not only famous for dodolnya just know! This area also save a lot of beauty that has not been widely explored including pyramid-shaped mountain Sadahurip perfect. In addition, one of the world's legendary actor, Charlie Chaplin, was also never set foot here!

Let us refer to 7 facts you need to know about this Garut city:
1. Charlie Chaplin  pay a visit in Garut!

As published in, Charlie Chaplin was never stopped in Garut, West Java, many years ago when he was ill and was admitted to a sanatorium in Garut. On the first visit, Chaplin accompanied by Oscar-winning Canadian actress Mary Pickford. While on the second visit, he was accompanied by his wife, Paulette Goddard, female protagonist in the film Modern Times and The Great Dictator 2.

Still according to Compass, Story Chaplin visit to Garut it is hereditary life and embedded in the minds of the citizens of Garut. Among others declined to Franz Limiart (47), a resident of Garut active as an observer of history and creative economic actors Garut. It gets the story of the late father, Liem Boen San (1923- 1993). When Chaplin came for the second time in 1935 in Garut, Liem Boen San aged 12 years. Liem, as told by Franz Limiart, saw a great stir in Garut year. Garanya are comedians visit a mustache "Hitler", that is Charlie Chaplin.

Liem Boen San minor, such as spoken Franz, so curious when many people gathered in Garut Kota Station, 100 meters from his home. Some people he met, indigenous or European, discuss Charlie Chaplin. Hot afternoon did not dampen the boisterous citizens from all walks of life stood in front of Garut Kota Station to see Chaplin down in Garut Station Cibatu Station.

Silent film comedian was completely show his face without makeup in Garut Kota Station. His face was not decorated with whiskers plot. He was not wearing a coat narrow and baggy pants. Flagship black top hat he did not take it. That afternoon, he was in a suit and tie neatly with headgear similar to that commonly used plantation foreman.

2. If the Bandung dubbed "Paris Van Java", then Garut is "Switzerland van Java".

                            Garut, Swiss Van Java.  Ilustrasi:
                                           Garut, Swiss Van Java.

According to I Love Garut, nicknamed 'Garut Switzerland van Java' or Switzerland of the popular Java began around the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, Garut known as the most attractive tourist destination in the world. Many people came to Garut great for a vacation. Established luxury hotels, tourist spots are managed and developed. Books petunjung (guide) printed with luxury trips and traveling agents actively promote their business.

In front of the station Garut, also established "Tourist Bureau" to serve the travelers. Garut also has a panoramic natural beauty no less admirable. Sprawling mountain views in Garut. The air was cool, and the beautiful atmosphere of the city adds to the convenience of this town.

Arrowroot scenic, portrayed in the Encyclopedie van Nederlands-Indie (Encyclopedia Dutch East Indies) published in 1917, "... .Garut is one of the most beautiful places in Java with a comfortable climate (700m height) with a very beautiful environment, a highly preferred cruise Batavia are a lot of people come in the dry season .... "

3. In Garut, lies Mount Sadahurip shaped like pyramids.

Mount Sadaruhip attract public attention and archaeologists because of its shape resembles a pyramid, there is even a suspicion that behind this mountain there is a pyramid that is older than the pyramids found in Egypt.

4. Garut is one of four places in Indonesia where you can enjoy the beautiful flowers Edelweis.

The Mountaineers certainly familiar with edelweiss "should be held, plucked do". In Garut, tourists can enjoy the beautiful edelweiss on the volcano, precisely in Tegal Alun Yag a meadow edelweiss widest in Papandayan with an area of nearly 80 acres.

In addition to the volcano, edelweiss can only be found in three other places in Indonesia, Gunung Rinjani, Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango.

5. Sheep is the best local sheep species in Indonesia.

                                                                 Image Domba Garut

Sheep are very special because penampakannnya more handsome than the other sheep. According to I Love Garut, Garut sheep is a mix of local sheep mating with sheep types capstaad of South Africa and merino sheep from Autralia. Of the three types of sheep that the birth of new varieties which then called Sheep.

His appearance - in Sundanese called tagog - so gallant and courageous, but remain calm and dignified. Sheep do not be surprised if more widely used for hobbies or rams, rather than becoming a regular domesticated cattle. Garut sheep prices could reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

6. In Garut there are 10 beautiful beaches that must be visited!

                                 Pantai Karang Papak, gambar:
                       Pantai Karang Papak, gambar:
Because of its location directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, Garut has 10 beautiful beaches that Cijeruk Beach Beautiful, Coast Coral Paranje, dear Heulang Beach, Coastal Santolo, Papak Karang Beach, Coastal Mountains Geder, Manalusu Beach, Coastal Cicalobak, Puncak Guha, and Turkish Rancabuaya , Many huh? :)

7. romantic Sampireun Village Resort, located in Garut!

In Kampung Sampireun, senses brought enjoy an unforgettable experience on the lake which is at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Although initially you have to spend 6 hours from Jakarta to achieve it, choosing Sampireun Village is a decision you will not regret.
                                     Pasangan yang menikah di Kampung Sampireun.
                                Pasangan yang menikah di Kampung Sampireun.

Once arrived in the village Sampireun, you will find a beautiful atmosphere soothing, cool, and is ideal for couples on honeymoon.
                                     Nikmati pengalaman yang takkan tergantikan di Kampung Sampireun.
                                  Nikmati pengalaman yang takkan tergantikan 
                                                 di Kampung Sampireun.

In Kampung Sampireun, you can choose from 22 bungalow that stands on the lake. Clean lake is inhabited by carp, with lush trees around it.
                                       Menjelang senja di Kampung Sampireun
                                         Menjelang senja di Kampung Sampireun
Now, if you want to have a plan of streets and had never been to Garut, please stop by the Kampung Sampireun! Not only suitable for honeymoon couples, but for all who want to feel the magical holiday close to nature and intimate with your partner. :)

                                       Melihat gambarnya saja sudah terdengar suara angin  dan gemericik air yang meneduhkan.
                                Melihat gambarnya saja sudah terdengar suara angin 
                                            dan gemericik air yang meneduhkan.

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